Infernal Mobs (翻訳)
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configVersion: "1.10" #Chance is the chance that a mob will not be infernal, the lower the number the higher the chance. (min 1) #Enabledworlds are the worlds that infernal mobs can spawn in. #Enabledmobs are the mobs that can become infernal. #Loot is the items that are dropped when an infernal mob dies. (You can have up to 64) #Item is the item, Amount is the amount, Durability is how damaged it will be (0 is undamaged). #nameTagsLevel is the visibility level of the name tags, 0 = no tag, #1 = tag shown when your looking at the mob, 2 = tag always shown. #Note, if you have name tags set to 0, on server restart all infernal mobs will turn normal. #If you want to enable the boss bar you must have BarAPI on your server. #nameTagsName and bossBarsName have these special tags: <mobLevel> = the amount of powers the boss has. #<abilities> = A list of about 3-5 (whatever can fit) names of abilities the boss has. #<mobName> = Name of the mob, so if the mob is a creeper the mobName will be "Creeper". chance: 100 #mobChances: # Ghast: 150 #levelChance: # '3': 1 # '4': 1 # '5': 1 # '6': 1 # '7': 1 namePrefix: '&fInfernal' #levelPrefixs: # '3': '&fMad' # '4': '&fRabid' # '5': '&fGiant' # '6': '&fKing' # '7': '&fInfernal' nameTagsLevel: 1 nameTagsName: '&f<prefix> <mobName>' bossBarsName: '&fレベル <mobLevel> &f<prefix> <mobName>' enableBossBar: true bossBarSettings: defaultColor: "PINK" defaultStyle: "SOLID" # perMob: # PigZombie: # color: "RED" # style: "SEGMENTED_6" # Ghast: # color: "RED" # style: "SEGMENTED_12" # WitherSkeleton: # color: "RED" # style: "SEGMENTED_20" # Blaze: # color: "RED" # style: "SEGMENTED_10" # Creeper: # color: "GREEN" # style: "SEGMENTED_6" # perLevel: # 5: # color: "GREEN" # style: "SEGMENTED_6" enableScoreBoard: false showHealthOnScoreBoard: true effectAllPlayerAttacks: true enableParticles: true enableDeathMessages: false deathMessages: - '&cplayer &chas killed an mob&c!' - '&cAn mob &cwas slain by player&c!' - '&cplayer &cowned an mob&c!' - '&cAn mob &cwas beheaded by player&c''s weapon!' - '&cplayer&c''s weapon &ckilled an mob&c!' - '&cAn mob &cwas killed by player &cusing a weapon&c!' enableSpawnMessages: false spawnMessageRadius: 64 spawnMessages: - '&cAn Infernal mob has spawned near you!' - '&cWatch out!' - '&cYou hear a faint scream...' - '&cSomething is coming...' - '&cYou hear a mob nearby...' enabledworlds: - <all> enabledmobs: #- Chicken - PigZombie - Spider - CaveSpider - Creeper - Witch - Enderman #- Pig - Slime - LavaSlime #- Wolf - Ghast - Giant - SilverFish - Blaze #- Squid - Rabbit - Shulker - Guardian - Endermite - PolarBear - Zombie - Husk - Skeleton - WitherSkeleton - Stray enabledCharmSlots: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 36 poisonous: true armoured: true blinding: true withering: true tosser: true thief: true quicksand: true bullwark: true rust: true sapper: true 1up: true cloaked: true ender: true ghastly: true lifesteal: true sprint: true storm: true webber: true vengeance: true weakness: true berserk: true explode: true potions: true mama: true molten: true archer: true necromancer: true firework: true gravity: true flying: true mounted: true morph: true ghost: true confusing: true ghost: true mamaSpawnAmount: 3 vengeanceDamage: 6 berserkDamage: 3 moltenBurnLength: 5 gravityLevitateLength: 6 horseMountsHaveSaddles: true armouredMountsHaveArmour: true fireworkColour: red: 255 green: 10 blue: 10 enabledSpawnReasons: - BREEDING #- BUILD_IRONGOLEM #- BUILD_SNOWMAN - BUILD_WITHER - CHUNK_GEN #- CURED - CUSTOM - DEFAULT #- DISPENSE_EGG #- EGG - INFECTION #- JOCKEY - LIGHTNING #- MOUNT - NATURAL - NETHER_PORTAL - OCELOT_BABY - REINFORCEMENTS - SILVERFISH_BLOCK - SLIME_SPLIT #- SPAWNER #- SPAWNER_EGG #- TRAP #- VILLAGE_DEFENSE - VILLAGE_INVASION mobParticles: - lavaSpark:1:10 mountFate: nothing enabledMounts: - Spider - MushroomCow - Cow - "Sheep:BLACK" - Pig - "EntityHorse:SKELETON_HORSE" - "EntityHorse:UNDEAD_HORSE" - Slime - Ghast - PolarBear enabledRiders: - PigZombie - Skeleton - Zombie - Witch - Creeper - SnowMan - Blaze - Enderman - WitherSkeleton disabledBabyMobs: - Wolf - MushroomCow - Cow - Sheep - Pig - Chicken - Ozelot - EntityHorse #The min/max amount of powers that a mob will get. #NOTE: the amount of enabled powers must not be less than the maxpowers. #healthMultiplier is what number the infernal mobs health will be multiplied by. #If you have healthByPower enabled then healthMultiplier and healthByDistance will do nothing. #dropChance is the chance a dead mob will drop loot, the lower the higher the chance (min 1) #xpMultiplier is what the normal xp a mob drops will be multiplied by. #healthByDistance makes mobs HP go up as you go further from the world spawn. #Every addDistance blocks the mobs will get healthToAdd times how far they are HP. minpowers: 3 maxpowers: 7 healthMultiplier: 4 healthByPower: false healthByDistance: false powerByDistance: false healthToAdd: 5 powerToAdd: 1 xpMultiplier: 8 addDistance: 200 enableDrops: true dropChance: 1 enableFarmingDrops: false naturalSpawnHeight: 0 </pre> ==loot.yml== <syntaxhighlight lang="yaml" style="font-family: Consolas, 'Courier New', Courier, Monaco, monospace; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.2;"> #Potions are applied to players who have all the required items every 10 seconds. #The potion lasts for 10 seconds so you get the effect as long as you have the items. #The required items must be ether in the hotbar or the armour bar. potionEffects: 1: potion: "INCREASE_DAMAGE" level: 2 particleEffect: "colouredDust:0:1" requiredItems: - 7 2: potion: "FAST_DIGGING" level: 2 requiredItems: - 8 3: potion: "SPEED" level: 3 requiredItems: - 58 4: potion: "ABSORPTION" level: 10 requiredItems: - 71 - 72 - 73 - 74 5: potion: "SLOW_DIGGING" level: 10 requiredItems: - 14 6: potion: "FAST_DIGGING" level: 1 requiredItems: - 13 7: potion: "WATER_BREATHING" level: 3 requiredItems: - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 8: potion: "WATER_BREATHING" level: 6 requiredItems: - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 9: potion: "INCREASE_DAMAGE" level: 2 particleEffect: "flame:0:1" requiredItems: - 61 10: potion: "SATURATION" level: 5 requiredItems: - 75 11: potion: "WITHER" level: 1 attackEffect: target requiredItems: - 40 12: potion: "POISON" level: 2 attackEffect: target requiredItems: - 76 13: potion: "HEAL" level: 1 attackEffect: self requiredItems: - 77 14: potion: "JUMP" level: 3 requiredItems: - 78 15: potion: "WITHER" level: 1 attackHelpEffect: target requiredItems: - 79 16: potion: "INVISIBILITY" level: 1 requiredItems: - 80 17: potion: "WEAKNESS" level: 1 attackHelpEffect: target requiredItems: - 81 18: potion: "WATER_BREATHING" level: 1 requiredItems: - 82 19: potion: "HEALTH_BOOST" level: 1 particleEffect: "heart:1:1" requiredItems: - 83 20: potion: "LEVITATION" level: 1 particleEffect: "cloud:0:1" requiredItems: - 87 21: potion: "LUCK" level: 1 requiredItems: - 88 22: potion: "LEVITATION" level: 1 attackEffect: target requiredItems: - 89 23: potion: "INCREASE_DAMAGE" level: 2 requiredItems: - 90 loot: 1: item: 258 amount: 1 name: "&2Murder Axe" lore1: "&aFor felling the undead!" durability: 8 enchantments: 1: enchantment: DAMAGE_UNDEAD level: 6 2: item: 261 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "&cFlame &6Bow" lore1: "&eShoots fire to the heavens!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: ARROW_INFINITE level: 1 2: enchantment: ARROW_FIRE level: 2 3: item: 267 amount: 1 durability: 90 name: "&6Sword of fortune" lore1: "&eYour fortunate to have this sword." enchantments: 1: enchantment: LOOT_BONUS_MOBS level: 4 4: item: 268 amount: 1 durability: 0 name: "Wacker" lore1: "Wack 'em back!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: KNOCKBACK level: 10 5: item: 264 amount: 5 durability: 0 name: "&bダイヤモンド?" lore1: "Better than the normal kind!" 6: item: 272 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "&8Spider Slayer" lore1: "&7Slays the spiders!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS level: 8 7: item: 276 amount: 1 durability: 2 name: "&fエクスカリバー" lore1: "&7King Author's sword." enchantments: 1: enchantment: DAMAGE_ALL level: 5 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 5 3: enchantment: KNOCKBACK level: 3 8: item: 277 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "&7Backhoe" lore1: "&8Digs too fast!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: DIG_SPEED level: 5 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 1 9: item: 278 amount: 1 durability: 15 name: "&fSilky" lore1: "&7Silkier than milk!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: SILK_TOUCH level: 5 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 5 10: item: 279 amount: 1 durability: 250 name: "&cCanadian Axe" lore1: "&fChops way to fast!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: DAMAGE_UNDEAD level: 3 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 6 3: enchantment: KNOCKBACK level: 1 11: item: 283 amount: 1 durability: 1 name: "&6Butter Knife" lore1: "&eCan only cut butter..." enchantments: 1: enchantment: DAMAGE_ALL level: 2 2: enchantment: KNOCKBACK level: 3 12: item: 284 amount: 1 durability: 5 name: "&6Golden Spoon" lore1: "&eUse with caution." enchantments: 1: enchantment: LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS level: 5 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 3 13: item: 285 amount: 1 durability: 25 name: "&7Drill" lore1: "&8Drillin through dirt!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: DIG_SPEED level: 10 14: item: 286 amount: 1 durability: 8 name: "&cAmerican &fAxe" lore1: "&1Digs fast too..." enchantments: 1: enchantment: DIG_SPEED level: 5 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 5 15: item: 292 amount: 1 durability: 5 name: "&fQuarts Hoe" lore1: "&yBetter than iron!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 10 16: item: 293 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "Magic Hoe" lore1: "Forged by God." enchantments: 1: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 10 17: item: 299 amount: 1 durability: 50 name: "&4Old Shirt" lore1: "&4Still good!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_FIRE level: 9 2: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 8 3: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 7 18: item: 302 amount: 1 durability: 30 name: "&9Water Helmet" lore1: "&1Go in the sea!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: OXYGEN level: 10 2: enchantment: WATER_WORKER level: 6 19: item: 303 amount: 1 durability: 30 name: "&2Creeper Gear" lore1: "&aPart 2" enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS level: 5 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 3 20: item: 304 amount: 1 durability: 50 name: "Thorny Pants" lore1: "Very Sharp..." enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_FIRE level: 4 2: enchantment: THORNS level: 8 3: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 3 21: item: 305 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "&7Travellers Boots" lore1: "&8Go on a journey!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: THORNS level: 5 2: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 5 22: item: 306 amount: 1 durability: 90 name: "&7Rusty Iron Helm" lore1: "&8Rusted but still good." enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 5 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 5 23: item: 307 amount: 1 durability: 50 name: "&cArchers Vest" lore1: "&4Take an arrow to the knee!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_PROJECTILE level: 10 24: item: 308 amount: 1 durability: 20 name: "Firemen Pants" lore1: "Take 'em to a fire!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_FIRE level: 7 2: enchantment: PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS level: 3 25: item: 309 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "Fall Far Boots" lore1: "Mark 1" enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_FALL level: 8 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 2 26: item: 314 amount: 1 durability: 12 name: "&9Fish Hat" lore1: "&1Be the fish." enchantments: 1: enchantment: WATER_WORKER level: 10 2: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 4 3: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 3 27: item: 315 amount: 1 durability: 80 name: "&9Fish Body" lore1: "&1Be the fish." enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 10 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 8 28: item: 316 amount: 1 durability: 60 name: "&9Fish Legs" lore1: "&1Be the fish." enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_FIRE level: 6 2: enchantment: THORNS level: 6 3: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 2 29: item: 317 amount: 1 durability: 40 name: "&9Fish Feet" lore1: "&1Be the fish." enchantments: 1: enchantment: THORNS level: 6 2: enchantment: PROTECTION_FALL level: 8 3: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 3 30: item: 310 amount: 1 durability: 22 name: "&3Drowned Helm" lore1: "&3From the Drowned Gods watery halls." enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS level: 4 2: enchantment: OXYGEN level: 8 3: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 2 31: item: 311 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "&3Drowned Plate" lore1: "&3From the Drowned Gods watery halls." enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS level: 5 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 4 32: item: 312 amount: 1 durability: 3 name: "&3Drowned Leggings" lore1: "&3From the Drowned Gods watery halls." enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 3 2: enchantment: THORNS level: 5 33: item: 313 amount: 1 durability: 9 name: "&3Drowned Boots" lore1: "&3From the Drowned Gods watery halls." enchantments: 1: enchantment: THORNS level: 5 2: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 3 3: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 2 34: item: 322 amount: 2 durability: 0 name: "&eThors Apple" lore1: "&eStolen from Thors own table." enchantments: 35: item: 396 amount: 3 durability: 0 name: "Easter Bunny's Carrot" lore1: "He will kill to get it back!" enchantments: 36: item: 276 amount: 1 durability: 11 name: "Spider Whacker" lore1: "Whack spiders." enchantments: 1: enchantment: DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS level: 3 1: enchantment: KNOCKBACK level: 7 37: item: 277 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "&aGardener's Spade" lore1: "&aDig in the garden." enchantments: 1: enchantment: SILK_TOUCH level: 1 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 6 38: item: 278 amount: 1 durability: 19 name: "Dwarf's Pick" lore1: "Diggy diggy hole." enchantments: 1: enchantment: LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS level: 4 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 5 39: item: 279 amount: 1 durability: 30 name: "&7Battle Axe" lore1: "&8Saxon war axe." enchantments: 1: enchantment: DAMAGE_UNDEAD level: 5 2: enchantment: DAMAGE_ALL level: 4 40: item: 283 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "&4Demon Sword" lore1: "&cFiery hot!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: DAMAGE_ALL level: 10 2: enchantment: FIRE_ASPECT level: 3 41: item: 284 amount: 1 durability: 1 name: "&6Disposable Quick Spade" lore1: "&eQuick but disposable." enchantments: 1: enchantment: DIG_SPEED level: 10 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 3 42: item: 285 amount: 1 durability: 50 name: "&6Butter Pick" lore1: "&ePractically made from butter." enchantments: 1: enchantment: LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS level: 5 2: enchantment: DIG_SPEED level: 5 43: item: 286 amount: 1 durability: 40 name: "Slim Axe" lore1: "Small but deadly" enchantments: 1: enchantment: DAMAGE_ALL level: 10 2: enchantment: KNOCKBACK level: 5 44: item: 292 amount: 1 durability: 50 name: "&7Old Hoe" lore1: "&8Not much use." enchantments: 1: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 6 45: item: 293 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "&aGardener's Hoe" lore1: "&aBe a Gardener" enchantments: 1: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 5 46: item: 299 amount: 1 durability: 50 name: "&4Boiled Leather Shirt" lore1: "&4Better than nothing." enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 5 2: enchantment: THORNS level: 10 3: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 5 47: item: 302 amount: 1 durability: 30 name: "&7Sharp Hat" lore1: "&8So sharp..." enchantments: 1: enchantment: THORNS level: 10 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 6 48: item: 303 amount: 1 durability: 30 name: "&7Sharp Chest" lore1: "&8So sharp..." enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_FIRE level: 10 2: enchantment: THORNS level: 5 49: item: 304 amount: 1 durability: 50 name: "&4Traveller's Pants" lore1: "&4Worn but still good." enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 10 50: item: 305 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "Strong Boots" lore1: "So strong!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 5 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 5 51: item: 306 amount: 1 durability: 30 name: "Cast Iron Helm" lore1: "Its Iron but cast." enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 1 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 10 52: item: 307 amount: 1 durability: 15 name: "&7Spiked Chestplate" lore1: "&8Nothing can survive this." enchantments: 1: enchantment: THORNS level: 10 53: item: 308 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "&cArchers Pants" lore1: "&4Stops 'em arrows." enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_PROJECTILE level: 3 2: enchantment: THORNS level: 5 54: item: 309 amount: 1 durability: 5 name: "Stiletto Heels" lore1: "Don't walk one me!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: THORNS level: 6 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 4 55: item: 314 amount: 1 durability: 2 name: "&0Death Mask" lore1: "&8Breath death itself!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: THORNS level: 5 2: enchantment: OXYGEN level: 1 3: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 4 56: item: 315 amount: 1 durability: 8 name: "&6Kings Breastplate" lore1: "&eOnly for kings," lore2: "&eThose of noble birth," lore3: "&eNot you..." enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 3 2: enchantment: THORNS level: 2 3: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 4 4: enchantment: PROTECTION_FIRE level: 5 57: item: 312 amount: 1 durability: 16 name: "&cArchers Pants MK 2" lore1: "&4Even better than MK 1!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_PROJECTILE level: 5 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 4 58: item: 313 amount: 1 durability: 40 name: "&27 League Boots" lore1: "&2Just say the magic word." enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_FALL level: 3 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 10 59: item: 310 amount: 1 durability: 22 name: "&bMermen Helm" lore1: "&bDon't drown!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 4 2: enchantment: OXYGEN level: 5 3: enchantment: THORNS level: 5 60: item: 311 amount: 1 durability: 16 name: "&cArchers Vest MK2" lore1: "&4Also has spikes!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_PROJECTILE level: 3 2: enchantment: THORNS level: 7 61: item: 261 amount: 1 durability: 30 name: "&2Robinhood's Bow" lore1: "&4The Legend Lives!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 5 2: enchantment: ARROW_DAMAGE level: 3 3: enchantment: ARROW_FIRE level: 1 4: enchantment: ARROW_INFINITE level: 1 5: enchantment: ARROW_KNOCKBACK level: 2 62: item: 261 amount: 1 durability: 20 name: "&eBrave Flame Bow" lore1: "&cBurnt may a village." enchantments: 1: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 3 2: enchantment: ARROW_DAMAGE level: 5 3: enchantment: ARROW_FIRE level: 3 63: item: 261 amount: 1 durability: 100 name: "&6Squaw Flame Bow" lore1: "&4Cooked many a pig!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: ARROW_FIRE level: 1 2: enchantment: ARROW_INFINITE level: 1 64: item: 261 amount: 1 durability: 0 name: "&cArchers Bow" lore1: "&4Time to shoot!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 6 2: enchantment: ARROW_DAMAGE level: 5 3: enchantment: ARROW_INFINITE level: 1 65: item: 322 amount: 1 durability: 1 name: "&6God Apple" lore1: "&6Not eaten my mortals!" lore2: "&6And never can be!" 66: item: 397 amount: 1 durability: 4 name: "&2Creeper Gear" lore1: "&2Part 1" enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS level: 5 66: item: 397 amount: 1 durability: 2 name: "&2Zombie Gear" lore1: "&2Part 1" enchantments: 1: enchantment: THORNS level: 10 67: item: 399 amount: 1 name: "&4Nether Star" lore1: "&0From the depths of the Nether!" 68: item: 373 amount: 8 potion: POISON name: "&aPoison Potion" lore1: "&2Very deadly." 69: item: 373 amount: 6 potion: INVISIBILITY name: "&fInvisibility Potion" lore1: "&7From nowhere?" 70: item: 373 amount: 5 potion: HEAL name: "&dLife Potion" lore1: "&5Not many left on earth." 71: item: 306 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "&3Eliminator's Helmet" lore1: "&eOnly for the best!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 7 2: enchantment: OXYGEN level: 5 3: enchantment: THORNS level: 5 4: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 5 72: item: 311 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "&3Eliminator's Chestplate" lore1: "&eYou have to be awesome!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 7 2: enchantment: THORNS level: 5 3: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 5 73: item: 308 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "&3Eliminator's Pants" lore1: "&eThe most epic!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 7 2: enchantment: THORNS level: 5 3: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 5 74: item: 309 amount: 1 durability: 10 name: "&3Eliminator's Boots" lore1: "&eThat much more cool!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: 7 2: enchantment: THORNS level: 5 3: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 5 4: enchantment: PROTECTION_FALL level: 10 75: item: 382 amount: 1 name: "&6Hunger Charm" lore1: "&7Hunger no more" 76: item: 267 amount: 1 name: "&aPoisoned Blade" lore1: "&2Poison all ye strike!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: DURABILITY level: 2 2: enchantment: DAMAGE_ALL level: 2 77: item: 280 amount: 1 name: "&4Vampire Stake" lore1: "&cHeals you when used" enchantments: 1: enchantment: DAMAGE_ALL level: 5 78: item: 414 amount: 1 name: "&7Bunny Charm" lore1: "&8Jump Higher" 79: item: 397 amount: 1 durability: 1 name: "&7Wither Charm" lore1: "&8Wither all ye fight!" 80: item: 402 amount: 1 name: "&7Cloak Charm" lore1: "&8They will see you not" 81: item: 352 amount: 1 name: "&cWeakness Charm" lore1: "&4Weaken your foes" 82: item: 410 amount: 1 name: "&bAqua Charm" lore1: "&3Become the fish..." 83: item: 409 amount: 1 name: "&bGuardian Tooth" lore1: "&3It can only make" lore2: "&3you stronger!" 84: item: 19 amount: 1 durability: 1 name: "&eSoggy Sponge" 85: item: 443 amount: 1 name: "&4Beetle Wings" enchantments: 1: enchantment: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL level: "1-3" 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: "1-5" 86: item: 276 amount: 1 name: - "&c&lNether Sword" - "&c&lWither Sword" - "&c&lGhast Sword" - "&c&lMagma Sword" enchantments: 1: enchantment: DAMAGE_ALL level: "1-5" chance: 15 2: enchantment: DURABILITY level: "1-5" chance: 25 3: enchantment: KNOCKBACK level: 1-8 chance: 25 4: enchantment: DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS level: "1-8" chance: 15 5: enchantment: DAMAGE_UNDEAD level: "1-8" chance: 15 6: enchantment: FIRE_ASPECT level: "1-5" chance: 15 7: enchantment: LOOT_BONUS_MOBS level: "1-5" chance: 15 8: enchantment: MENDING level: "1-5" chance: 15 87: item: 437 amount: 1 name: "&e&lAngel Soul" lore1: "&6Bottled for your convenience" 88: item: 435 amount: 1 name: "&6Gold Coins" lore1: "&7They bring you luck" 89: item: 267 amount: 1 name: "&f&lSky Sword" enchantments: 1: enchantment: DURABILITY level: "1-5" chance: 33 2: enchantment: KNOCKBACK level: 3-10 3: enchantment: MENDING level: "1-5" chance: 25 90: item: 442 amount: 1 durability: 0 name: "&7&lShield of Power" colour: YELLOW patterns: - ==: Pattern color: LIGHT_BLUE pattern: dls - ==: Pattern color: BLUE pattern: sku 91: item: 276 amount: 1 durability: 90 name: "&c&lDemon Blade" lore1: "&4Forged in the depths of the nether!" enchantments: 1: enchantment: FIRE_ASPECT level: 10 2: enchantment: DAMAGE_ALL level: 1-3 </pre>