提供:8x9 Minecraft Wiki
2017年1月21日 (土) 17:51時点における8x9 master (トーク | 投稿記録)による版
Permission: '&4You do not have permission to do that.' ExperienceLooted: '&5You gained &6<amount>&5 experience from looting the chest.' MoneyLooted: '&5You looted &6<amount>&5 from the chest.' MoneyCharged: '&5You have been charged &6<amount>&5 to loot the chest.' InsufficientFunds: '&4You must have &6<amount>&4 to loot the chest.' AutoLoot: '&5You looted &6<item>&5 from the chest.' Overflow: '&5The Chest is overflowing with loot!' ChestTimeRemaining: '&4You must wait &6<time>&4 to receive more loot!' EmptyChestTimeRemaining: '&4You must wait &6<time>&4 to receive more loot!' CommandTimeRemaining: '&4You must wait &6<time>&4 to receive more loot!' DispenserTimeRemaining: MobTimeRemaining: '&4You must wait &6<time>&4 to receive more loot!' MobDroppedMoney: '&5You loot &6<amount>.' MobDroppedItem: MobDroppedExperience: LootMessage: LootBroadcast: